Kytronik's Blog - Tuning keeps you alive ! — SB2.5
DIY: How to repair a Smart Booster with a broken cable
Posted by Admin Shopify on
Note: The below article can be used to repair any Smart Booster version with cables (Smart Booster 2 to current Smart Booster 2016-2) ______________________________________________________________ You have put thousands of kilometers on your scooter and you are so happy with your digital Smart Booster variable ignition timing upgrade which brings you more torque, more speed as well as more safety by making the engine run cooler. Unfortunately, one day the engine stops working and you realize that you should have put a bit more effort in protecting the poor little module trapped below your side panel, stressed under constant harsh conditions: super humid on your first rides out in Spring, super hot...
- Tags: DIY, KyTronik, Repair, SB, SB2, SB2.5, SB2016, SB2016-2, SmartBooster